Sunday, 22 September 2013

Missing The Picture..........or at least I did!

Mr C and I were disappointed that we’d not taken more photos this year. Given the fact that it’s a hobby we both love the gaps in the dates on the storage drive over the past couple of years show that we’ve been rather lazy.
Which saddens me even more because whenever we go out and about we’re bound to grab our camera bags…… so that means that we’ve not ventured out that much from our little abode.

I know ‘times is hard’ an all that but most of the places we go are in the countryside so we don’t encounter entrances fees!!
We have been trying to make more of our garden of late and that is much more time consuming than one thinks, until of course you have it to your liking.

So, this Autumn Bank holiday weekend we were determined to get out and feed our photography cravings….
We actually went out with the specific intention of trying to get some Barn Owl pictures. But as will all wildlife photography you just can’t guarantee what you’ll get.

We had a spot in mind and headed off, giving ourselves plenty of time before the sun went down to get there, park up and walk to a spot across the fields where we could watch 2 fields in a small copse on the corner of the fields. Which were lined with hedges of Hawthorn and interspersed with honeysuckle or brambles, a good food source we thought for voles and mice and plenty of trees for perching with farm buildings around in the distance for nesting?
Perfect we thought……but I didn’t even get to take one picture   Whilst waiting I’d spotted a small spider beside me on an ear of corn and in light thought it would make a pleasing photo but the camera couldn’t focus as I was so close so repositioned myself a couple of times and just when I was ready to take the shot and click the shutter nothing happened, I’d made a real amateur error by not checked my battery before we left and it had run out.

Made even more frustrating by the fact that I’d made a mental note to remember to pick up my spare especially as I’d taken the time to charge it up. I was so angry at myself…. but that’s a lesson well and truly learnt!

Here’s the picture that Mr C took of the spider next to me!!!

No Barn Owls spotted in the end so still on the hunt for that shot.
Have you had any photo disasters or even better would love hear about your success's


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